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Workforce Solutions of North Central Texas

Project: 2021 Redesign Project
CMS: Kentico Xperience
WCAG Compliance: AA

Workforce Solution of North Central Texas (WSNCT) promotes economic growth, opportunity, and a skilled workforce across a vast 14-county region surrounding Dallas / Ft Worth.

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Workforce's programs are designed to ensure that DFW businesses remain competitive, workers in the area have the opportunity to obtain skills that will help them become or remain self-sufficient, and that the communities they serve remain economically resilient. When the time came to rethink their digital approach on how they connect with and grow the business community and upgrade to a new CMS, they turned to Monkee-Boy as their digital partner.

Laptop and phone view of the home page
Tablet view of the events page
Tablet and phone displaying the Find a Workforce Center page
Phone view of the Find a Career page

Priority Goals

  • Increased Alignment/Consistency - Provide a centralized location for internal and external audiences to understand WSNCT's mission, offerings, messaging, and brand.
  • Increased Awareness - Improve overall awareness of the services WSNCT provides (both quality and quantity) and who benefits.
  • Increased Advocacy - Increase points of interaction online to better enable WSNCT audiences to spread the word about the benefits and opportunities Workforce offers.
  • Ease-of-Use / Flexibility - Create easy-to-use maintenance tools that allow internal resources to more efficiently manage 90-95% of the ongoing updates & additions to the website.


  • The Mothership - Workforce is part of the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), a voluntary association made by and for local governments to assist in regional planning. Working under the NCTCOG umbrella created some dependencies and required additional coordination to ensure alignment across the larger organizational structure.
  • Multiple Stakeholders - Workforce Solutions consists of several large, internal groups of stakeholders who all rely on the website to accomplish their organizational goals. 
  • Content - 100's of pages of content needed to be reviewed, consolidated, organized, and migrated into the new CMS.
  • CMS - Workforce was the first member of NTCOG to migrate to the newest version of Kentico Eperience. This required additional coordination and planning within the project to plan for phase 1 features with room to grow into Kentico's expanded functionality. 
Iphone view of CTA, Services for Youth, and testimonials

Google Lighthouse Results

Google Lighthouse was used to benchmark site quality scores before and after the project. Across the primary pages of the site, we provided some amazing results. The Accessibility score was high before we started and remained high after the site was launched. Results included:


Increase in Google Lighthouse's Performance Score (from 27 to 38)


Increase in Google Lighthouse's Best Practices Score (from 64 to 93)

SEO 5%

Increase in Google Lighthouse's SEO Score (from 86 to 91)

Website hardly workin'?

Maybe it's time for a new digital partner.

Let's chat and see if our approach is a good fit for your digital landscape.

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