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A photo representing an older lady using a tablet device.

Web Accessibility 101: A Newbie's Guide To Digital Inclusivity

You've probably heard of web accessibility before - it's a great thing. If you're a newbie or simply need a refresher, this article is a great place to start to understand the basics of how web accessibility can help your users and your business.

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Why We May Not Respond To Your RFP

Why We May Not Respond To Your RFP

We think the RFP process is, well... a procurement dinosaur that needs to be gently put out to pasture. In this article, we'll quickly explore the 10 reasons why they don't work and why we may not respond.

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What if Monkee-Boy gets hit by a bus?

Wait! What If Monkee-Boy Gets Hit By A Bus?

In this article, we'll explore the timeless concern of losing a digital partner to the proverbial bus and the common fears associated with selecting a qualified digital partner and how to address them.

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photo of charles darwin with glasses on

It's Time to Evolve

Let's face it, most current websites lack a comprehensive strategy based on data. Here we'll examine the best approach to helping your organization solve the web.

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Comparing Apples-to-Apples: How to Select the Right Digital Partner

One of the first challenges in any digital project is selecting the right partner for the job. In this article, you'll find the top 10 things to include in your search to simplify the decision.

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benefits of austin web design and maintenance plan

Six Simple Benefits of a WordPress Support Plan

For any company that views its website as a valuable asset, launching a new site and leaving it alone is no longer an effective strategy for marketing your business online. Here are six reasons why it's a "no-brainer" to proactively keep your WordPress site up to date.

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