Camp Gladiator
Increase in unique visitors (first 90 days)
Increase in mobile visits (first 90 days)
Increase in length of sessions (first 90 days)

About Camp Gladiator
Founded in 2008, Camp Gladiator is the nation's fastest-growing fitness movement dedicated to transforming lives through dynamic, fun, and challenging workouts. Camp Gladiator (or "CG" to their massive following) bogged down with a digital landscape comprised with multiple microsites, cross-site navigation issues, content management limitations, and overall challenges of managing the user journey of both prospective and returning campers.
Here's how Monkee-Boy helped CG solve the web.
Digital Diagnostic Strategy
Monkee-Boy relied on its proven Diagnostic Strategy process to understand the needs of the organization, audiences from new CG "campers" to experienced, and the CG Marketing and Tech teams. A significant part of the project on our team was to be responsible for maintaining and integrating the site's advanced functionality.
After diligent research and validation efforts, we developed a holistic digital strategy that affirmed internal ideas, exposed weaknesses in messaging and content organization, and streamlined the onboarding process. Not only to increase overall conversions but also to educate new prospects along the way.
Also, we created a modular digital system that would allow CG's teams to easily create new page templates in an unlimited number of layouts. The perfect balance of evolving the brand and empowering the teams with all the right tools.
Website Conversion Optimization
CG is unique and, as such, the CG registration process was equally something we had never tackled before. Initially a lengthy process intended to help new users understand CG, find a location, compare pricing options, connect with a trainer, and schedule their first camp. No small order.
To help with this one-of-a-kind challenge, Monkee-Boy evaluated the onboarding processes of CG and other leading, national fitness organizations to understand the business's onboarding workflow fully. Developing a simplified approach that reduced the steps involved, lowered user confusion, and streamlined the overall conversion funnel by almost 30%.
Fully Responsive Design
With the CG Diagnostic complete and user journey's mapped, the Monkee-Boy design team began creating a flexible and modular design system that was both responsive and scalable. We strived to retain the essence of the CG brand through the website design to ensure consistency throughout their marketing initiatives as well as other CG tools (like their mobile app). Our team provided CG with scalable templates to support any unique page content, and would easily allow them to manage new content types as needed.

6 States, 350+ Cities, and 3500+ Locations
One of Camp Gladiator's most unique features is the vast quantity of boot camp offerings. The flexibility of being able to attend any location at any time is a huge benefit to its members. To consolidate all camp locations into one "CG Nation," the organization has built a fantastic backend to manage and power all of its systems. From the website to its mobile app, and even their check-in kiosks.
The challenge: Evolve the locations map and search tools to serve its new and existing campers better.
We collaborated very closely with the CG Tech Team to fully understand the desired functionality, where the location searches fits within each audiences' journey, and begin to grasp their robust CG API. The result is a one-of-a-kind map search solution that now allows both active and new users to readily explore locations and find camp times that ensure their workout goals are met.

The CG Mobile Experience
As part of our initial analytics audit, we noticed an interesting trend. Mobile visits were increasing month-over-month and the new mobile experience had to be one that was unique, scalable, and intuitive. The location search functionality and pricing tiers, in particular, were two of the most complex and highly used features that needed extra attention.
Our top-notch Design Team once again crafted a mobile experience with all of the custom elements required to ensure mobile visitors didn't suffer and provided the same ease of use as desktop and tablet users.
The Result: We created an incredibly curated experience that has an incredible 59% increase in mobile visits.

M-Pire Enterprise CMS For The Win
One of our primary goals for Camp Gladiator was to build a modular system that would easily allow their marketing time to create and manage a variety of content. Providing their team the ability to make an unlimited number of layouts would give their team flexibility for future programs and any expanded needs.
Enter the M-Pire Enterprise CMS.
With M-Pire's unique, modular page-building functionality, we provided a design system that empowers the CG marketing and operations teams the ability to quickly and easily manage content, campaigns, and regions for their current and future locations. They can promptly mix-and-match all different types of content, which saves them money and supports their creative and CG bold marketing initiatives.
Decrease in bounce rate
Increase in visits (YoY)
Decrease in load time